Batak Toba  is a community of fellowship that most small communities are formed by genera. At first they lived at home parent but because the population continues to grow causing huta-huta formed new ones. To set the shared interests of a few villages or huta form a federation or association that are still bound to one another. Huta collection called horja.
United horja is more care of matters relating to the worldly. Stunning performances Horja party in whose name held Hahomion.

Stunning performances Horja party in whose name held HAHOMION
Hahomion Ritual is a ceremony performed by our ancestors early intended for the worship of ancestral spirits and supernatural powers. The purpose of ritual Hahomion to give offerings / offerings to ancestral spirits and supernatural powers. Our ancestors once believed that ancestral spirits still have a role in the lives of his descendants.
They also believe that the spirits of ancestors continuously monitoring social life. Dedication is intended as a tangible proof of the citizens for the recognition of a supernatural power that accompanies life.
HAHOMION for ritual purposes begged the spirit and power of supernatural forces continue to monitor the lives of citizens and appealed to Mulajadi Na Bolon to always maintain, bring prosperity, and tranquility of life of citizens.

Supplies include food from animals, fish, rice flour, fruits of which are:

  • ONE TAILED WHITE GOAT (HAMBING NABONTAR) cooked and cut to pieces of goat bone joints, the head, neck, chest / body, upper thigh, middle thigh front and rear legs. This goat meat cooked with spices such as chili, salt, ginger, galangal, SERE, onion garlic, coriander gonseng, pepper, nutmeg and cumin. All materials are made to taste like curry spices, served, arranged in order of when these animals lived in dish tubs / big plate of ceramic.
  • CHICKEN WHITE MALES ( MANUK MIRA), cut to the bone joints of chicken chunks, bits of the form; the head, neck, chest, good luck / back, rempelo / section in the abdomen, wings, thighs base, lower thighs, legs and tail cooked with chili seasoning, salt, ginger, galangal, SERE, onion, garlic, coriander gonseng, pepper, nutmeg and cumin. All materials are made to taste like curry spices arranged in order of when the animals lived in the bowl or dish tubs regular / medium-size white ceramic plate.
  • Red Rooster Grill (MANUK MIRA NARARA ) cut to the bone joints of chicken pieces, pieces of the form; the head, neck, chest, good luck / back, rempelo / section in the abdomen, wings, thighs base, lower thighs, legs, tail, chicken washed and baked, his blood is mixed into spices and covered thoroughly. This chicken is cooking a special husband and only the husbands are allowed to eat chicken is later when the ritual is complete. Presented in dish tubs with a chicken sitting position.
  • ROOSTERS (MANUK FAROE BOLGANG ). This whole chicken is addressed to a powerful, split chicken cut / removed part of his stomach, boiled / steamed until cooked, flavored rendang before boiling but not use coconut milk.
  • SAGU-SAGU. Material of this cake of rice flour cooked without sugar then compacted clot formed / rounded. Kueh is intended as a symbol of encouragement.
  • ITAK NANI HOPINGAN,from rice flour mixed with bananas, white sugar, brown sugar crushed / printed could be placed on the plate is round. Above itak nani hopingan given eggs, hibiscus and roddang (corn flower), bananas and putting mangeni  Kueh is intended as a symbol of blessing asked for.
  • ITAK GURGUR OR POHUL-POHUL. Material of this cake of rice flour, white sugar, half-cooked roasted coconut mixed up together and can be formed, using the fingers / grip.
  • IHAN BATAK of Lake Toba special fish that is cooked whole tail with the first one cleared the stomach and flavored with chilies, salt, ginger, galangal, Serre, onion garlic, coriander gonseng, pepper, nutmeg and cumin. All materials are made to taste like curry spices, served over yellow rice flavored with bananas in included, itak gurgur and other materials.
  • ANGGIR PANGURASON the water mixed with lime, hibiscus and foliage for bidders and other materials, placed in a container in the form of a white cup.
  • ASSIMUN PANGALAMBOHI is a material made of cucumber cut length intended as a refreshing feeling.
  • TANDUK NI HORBO PAUNG made of large-sized banana as banana / banana Batak are intended as a refreshing feeling.
  • HAJUT / KAMPIL; white chopsticks filled with rice, money fractions (hepeng) the largest value of Rp 100,000, -, covered with betel leaf. Hajut this as a key symbolic offerings brought by Datu / shaman and the offerings placed on the table along with other sadjen materials.
  • Aek naso to MIDA Matani ari (coconut water) water is clean and sterile. The way of presentation of young coconut dilobangi top, above the hole was placed kaffir lime and red hibiscus.
  • Supplies of betel leaf chewing betel nut, gambier, lime, cloves, betel nuts and tobacco.
  • Supplies of clothing for all participants of the ceremony are wearing traditional Batak Toba (ulos), for women ulos diselendangkan slung or in lieu of clothing, for men and slung ulos sheathed without clothes.

For certain people wearing headbands showing the position in social institutions. Special Datu wearing a black dress which symbolizes that the datu was as if acting as a symbol of the presence Debata Guru (one of Debata Na Tolu) which is a form of radiant love Debata Mulajadi Na Bolon about the policy, while at the head wearing a red headband which represents Debata Brick Moon which is a form of radiant love Debata Mulajadi Na Bolon about power.
  • Other equipment is “DUPA” censer, filled the container of ashes, coals, incense and sprinkled a little. Distinctive aroma of incense is meant to invite the presence of supernatural creatures / supernatural powers to be present and united in the ritual performed.
  • PARGONDANGAN is preparing a Gordang (gondang large), 5 pieces topong (gondang a smaller size) 1 fruit kesik (hesek-hesek) and 2 pieces ogungdoal (Gong), and 1 ogung ihutan ogung Oloan panggor and a fruit sarune

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