Religion Parmalim

Before the influence of Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity to the land of Batak, Batak people at first do not know the name and the term "gods". Beliefs of Batak first (ancient) is belief in ancestral spirits and trust in the inanimate objects. Inanimate objects believed to have Tondi (spirit), for example: mountains, trees, rocks, etc. which are considered sacred when used as a sacred place (place of worship).

Batak people believe in ancestral spirits that may cause some illness or misfortune to mankind. Respect for and worship of ancestral spirits will be done to bring the safety, welfare for the people concerned and on the descent. Powers is the most feared in the life of the Batak people in this world and very close to human activity.

Prior to the Batak people familiar figures of the gods of India and the term "Debata", sombaon greatest Batak people (old) called "Ompu Na Bolon" (Grandfather / Grandmother of the Most Great). Ompu Nabolon (at first) is not one god or a god but he is who has been born as the first ancestor of the Batak people who have exceptional ability and also create a custom for men. But after the entry of the trust and the term outside the Hindu religion in particular; Ompu Nabolon is used as a deity who was revered as the ancient Batak grandmother / grandfather who has the uncanny ability. To emphasize that "Ompu Nabolon" as grandfather / grandmother earlier and the first custom created for humans, Ompu Nabolon be "At So Nabolon" or "Mr. Mula So Nabolon". Because the word Sir, At, So is a respected, and which created the first foreign words that have never known by the ancient Batak people. Furthermore, to assert that Ompu Nabolon deification or Mula So Nabolon is one of the biggest god in front of the Batak people ditambahkanlah At Nabolon or Nabolon So the word 'Debata' which means gods (plural) to become "Debata At So Nabolon".

Parmalim is actually a personal identity, while institutional Ugamo called Malim. In most societies, Parmalim as personal identity is more popular than "Ugamo Malim" as the institution's identity Fighting for Parmalim not new, because the ancestral predecessors from the beginning and end of his life always in the struggle. The struggle began in King Sisingamangaraja states "reject" Dutch colonialism which was considered destructive to the lives of indigenous peoples and cultures

King is the Executive Monang Naipospos Ugamo Malim, a religious belief that is born of Batak culture. This religion is a relic of King Batak Sisingamangaraja. Now the largest religious center in the village Parmalim Hutatinggi, 4 kilometers from the district Toba Samosir Laguboti North Sumatra. More people know him as Parmalim Hutatinggi. In this village there is a house of worship of people who called Bale Pasogit Parmalim.

They worship every Saturday and has two major anniversaries each year that is Sipaha Sada and Sipaha Lima. Sipaha Sada is performed when entering a new year which begins each Batak March. And Sipaha Five conducted during the month Purnama conducted between June-July.

In the ceremony, the man who has been married usually use a turban like Muslims, sarongs and Ulos (scarves Batak). While the women gloved and mengonde their hair. All events Parmalin chaired by King Marnokkok Naipospos. Grandfather King is the King Honor Naipospos Marnokkok who became an assistant principal Sisingamangaraja XI. Now the followers of this Parmalin reach 7000 people, including non-Batak people. They are scattered in 39 places in Indonesia including Aceh Singkil.

In Religious Scriptures Parmalim

The Book Guru

This book contains all the secrets of God on the earth and of human nature and human life and the policies reflected in the Guru who has a black symbol.

Book Debata Sorisohaliapan

This book contains the fabric of human life, which can be done and what can not be done in accordance with the precepts and regulations in accordance with their respective cultures.

Book of Moon Mangala

Book of Moon Mangala describes the reflection of the power of God. This book tells the strength of man in life, including the earth and martial arts Batak in everyday life. The book is divided into two types

Debata Asi-Asi

This book explains the core of the book of Guru, Debata Sorisohaliapan, Mangala Month (Debata Natolu) and the mother of all book. This book also contains about the science of man, because man is the incarnation of Debata Asi-asi.

Book Boru Debata

This book contains the lives of women to have children, including daughters of God's incarnation is also about the queen of water.

Book of Treatment

This book explains about how to keep healthy people, for the sick are healed, how to be close to God and how to perform cultural rituals that man is healthy. In life everything including Batak people on treatment are always in line with the cultural rituals and ancestral heirloom antiquity to find out how to get closer to the creator so that people stay healthy and away from danger. The book is divided into four sections.

Philosophy of Batak

This book contains about customs, culture, law, character dance, art music, especially socio-economic areas of the royal government.

Book Pane Nabolon

Since ancient Batak people already know the way the moon and stars every day. Parhalaan pane nabolon Batak is a reflection of natural law to every human being. What will happen tomorrow, what would become the new born child, how one's fate, lost property as well as a good move for the Batak people is already a custom in ancient times is the case in all the ritual feast first opened the book parhalaan (Astrology Book) . The book is divided in two parts.


Since the beginning of the 20th century, the name 'Simalungun' used by the Dutch East Indies government subordinate to the government of the residency of East Sumatra, namely the so-called en Karolanden Simeloengoen. What is meant by Simeloengoen (= Simalungun) is the Kingdom Siantar, Tanoh Javanese kingdom, the Kingdom Panei, Dolog Silou kingdom, the Kingdom of Kingdom, the Kingdom of Ancient and Royal Silimakuta, who each signed such an agreement (known as Korte Verklaring, 'Short Agreement') with the Dutch East Indies government in 1904 (and updated in 1907).

Almost simultaneously with the formation of the government Simeloengoen en Karolanden earlier, the name 'Simalungun' is used as a tribal name for the people who inhabit the seven kingdom kingdom in Simeloengoenlanden earlier. As the name of the tribe, called 'Simalungun' is used for the entire population of the kingdom-the kingdom last seven, although the word 'Simalungun' rarely used the population (and government) each kingdom, because they still distinguish people with the title in the language Simalungun, namely by using the word sin or par, for example sin Kingdom, Panei here, here Purba, par Siantar.

Since that time also the name Simalungun often used as a tribal name. 2) But not only for residents of seven kingdom-the kingdom before, but all residents of North Sumatra that have the same culture with the culture of people who are in seventh kingdom, the Kingdom had, which spread in Deli Serdang (and Bedagai), in Asahan, in Dairi , in Karo.

Along with use of the word 'Simalungun' as the name of the tribe, as previously used, namely 'East Batak', or 'Timoerlanden', the more rarely used.

One tribe is distinguished from other ethnic groups because of cultural differences. I often say to fellow Simalungun, cultures do palegankon Simalungun humbani legan na tribe. Simalungun will remain and exist (although the population is not much) if halak Simalungun maintain a culture that sets it apart from other tribes. Conversely, if no longer willing to maintain a culture that distinguishes it from other tribes, and prefer to 'adapt' itself to the culture of other tribes, halak Simalungun will disappear from this earth.

First, the population halak Simalungun who subject themselves to the culture of ethnic Malays, given the nickname domma gabe pious Malays. Either because the Islamic religion, or because the move to areas populated halak Malay, or because manundalhon arihan (ie, meaningful defected from the kingdom in his tribe, and then subjecting themselves to the authorities in the region outside Simalungun). There is also a pious so Karo, usually because they live in areas with a population of Karo.

Conversely, halak Toba (and or par Naidoo) a lot of pious become Simalungun. That said, according to the TBA Ancient Pond (deceased), since its inception Harajaon Dolog Silou, 3) existing clans and clan Simarmata Sipayung in Dolog Silou, and no clan Sinaga. They had become pious Simalungun. This process occurs because someone left the pious culture of origin and make the local culture into its culture.
So, in the sense of culture do palegankon tribes, Simalungun will continue to exist as one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia (and the world) as long as there are those who maintain their culture, namely the so-called culture Simalungun, as long as there are those who want to become halak Simalungun (in the sense of cultured Simalungun).

As already dikemukan earlier, since the beginning of the 20th century are increasingly being used as Simalungun to a tribe that lived in the seventh kingdom in Simeloengoenlanden region and surrounding areas (which is then inserted into the neighboring territories with 7 Kerjaan earlier (which is now the Deli Serdang, Serdang Bedagai, Tebing high, Asahan District, District Tobasa, Dairi, Karo District). Previously, more commonly used name of a nationality of the population, such as Panei here (for the people of the Kingdom Panei), par Sordang (call for Serdang Sultanate people). While the 'outsiders' who came to visit or to an area inhabited meleliti halak Simalungun, prefer to use the designation of East Batak, probably due to stay in the territory east of the other clump-Batak tribe.
Among the authors halak Simalungun, there are still many who argue that before the Dutch colonial expanded into populated areas Simalungun (and find the fact of the Kingdom 7), there are 4 Empire in Simalungun, called King Maroppat, namely Silou, Panei, Siantar and Tanoh Java. Some even believe that the title of King Maroppat is Simalungun concept. I've pointed out that the title of King Maroppat derived from his concept tuha peuet Sultanate of Aceh now expanding its influence into the region of East Sumatra. But the opinion had not changed. 4)

There is also an opinion, before there was King Maroppat, there is only one kingdom, the kingdom Silou.
But in one respect. it seems everything is agreed, that was only one kingdom, the kingdom Nagur.

If it can later be accepted as historical truth that the people who inherit cultural Nagurlah later known as Simalungun culture, then it means that culture Simalungun been tested in this region for about 14 centuries, since it is said Nagur already listed in the Chinese text of the century to-6, still exist and are recorded by Marco Polo (13th century) with the name 'Nagore' or 'Nakur', still exists at the time noted Pinto (16th century) that Nagur request assistance based on the Malacca Portuguese as it gets attack from Aceh, and that Encyclopedi Ned. Indie record Nagur can withstand the invasion of Johor and Siak. When in the late 19th-century Dutch set foot into a populated area heir folk Nagur him, still met the same culture in the seventh kingdom that later called Simeloengoen region, even as the culture of some of the people who spread around Simeloengoen.


The plan was set off from Medan Walk at 02.00 am, directly to Lake Toba. But suddenly canceled, leaving the next day finally his. Start of Road Bilal at 10.30 and arrive at Lake Toba around 15:00 pm. Actually already kesorean, but that's okay, I think it will stay at Lake Toba, a new next day back to Medan. Entrance fees, reasonably priced only a thousand dollars per person. To get to the location of Hanging Rock, can be achieved by using a motor boat at a cost of Rp 300,000, - shuttle, to Tomok, on the island.

According to local folklore, the Hanging Stone is supposedly the incarnation of a princess who was forced to marry, but was rejected and therefore decided to jump into the lake to kill himself, then lodged in the trees and be it into stone hanging with her dog. Certainly a story that can not be trusted, but at least I try to appreciate the local folk legends. And the location itself is quite interesting, to visit.


"I try to describe (in Anthropological) about 9 The Main Cultural Values ​​in Toba Batak society. It's still a lot of Toba Batak Cultural Values ​​others, which may be subject to other friends?

1. Kinship
Which includes the relationship premordial interest, affection on the basis of blood relationships, harmony Dalihan elements Na Tolu (Hula-hula, Dongan Tubu, Boru), Banana Raut (Son of Son of Boru Boru), Hatobangon (scholars) and everything related links kinship by marriage, clan solidarity and others.

Includes religious life, both traditional religion and religion that came later that
manage its relationship with the Creator and its relationship with humans and their environment.

Many offspring and longevity. a traditional expression of the famous Batak presented during the wedding ceremony is an expression that expects to be given later newlywed son 17 and daughter 16. Human resources for the Batak people is very important. Formidable force can only be built in a number of men in great numbers. This is closely connected with the history of Batak tribes were destined to have a very high competitive culture. Hagabeon concept rooted, from culture to compete in ancient times, even recorded in the history of the development, manifested in the war huta. In this traditional war strength is concentrated on the number of
personnel are great. Regarding the longevity of the concept called SAUR Matua hagabeon BULUNG (such as leaves, which fall after the elderly). Can imagine how big the increase in manpower is expected by the Batak people, because apart from each family is expected to bear sons and daughters as much as 33 people, also all expected to elderly.

Glory, authority, charisma, a core value that gave a strong impetus to achieve greatness. This value gives a strong impetus, especially in people Toba, in this modern era to reach the position and rank that gives glory, authority, charisma and power.

Rich, one of the underlying cultural values ​​and encourage the Batak people, especially the Toba, to find a lot of property.

Progress, achieved through go abroad and study. Cultural values ​​are very strong hamajuon encourage people to migrate to all corners of the Batak homeland. In the last century, East Sumatra, is seen as an area of ​​shoreline. But in line with the dynamics of the Batak, the purpose of migration has been increasingly extended to the entire country to maintain or increase their competitiveness.

7. LAW
Dohot uhum slave, and the rule of law. Value and uhum dohot slave is strong value in socialized by the Batak people. Culture uphold the truth, engaged in the legal world is the world of the Batak people.
This value may be born from the high frequency of rights violations in the course of life the Batak people since ancient times. So they are proficient in spoken and struggled to fight for human rights. It appeared in the surface of the lives of law in Indonesia that records the name of the Batak people in the list of warrior warrior-law, both as a prosecutor, defender and judge.

In socio-cultural life of the Batak people less powerful than the values ​​mentioned earlier. This may be due to high levels of independence. The presence of protector, the protector, the giver of prosperity, only needed in very urgent circumstances.

In life the Batak Toba levels are higher compared to that of the Angkola-Mandailing. This can be understood from the difference in the mentality of these two sub Batak tribe. Source of conflict, especially in the lives of kinship is the life-Mandailing Angkola. Being the Toba people more broadly because it involves the struggle for the results of other cultural values. Among others Hamoraon that inevitably is a perennial source of conflict for the Toba.